Sitemap - 2021 - The Galaxy Report

Galaxy Fans

The Extraterrestrial-Contact Paradox

Dark Matter --the Backbone of Life in the Universe?

“A Wider Net for Life?” TRAPPIST-1 Star System is the Ultimate James Webb Space Telescope Target

Are the Laws of Physics Evolving We're About to Unlock the Universe's Secrets

“Unlocking the Universe’s Hidden Secrets” –Scientists Talk About the Impact of the James Webb Space Telescope”

If Aliens Exist Here’s Where We’ll Find Them to The Year in Physics

"The Lesson?" --Our Modern Climate-Change Sequel May Be More Like Science Fiction Than Anything in Earth's History

The James Webb Space Telescope Launch Edition (Holiday-Weekend Feature)

The ‘Liquid’ Asteroid –That Ushered in the Rise of Homo Sapiens

“Nomads of the Galaxy” –Unmoored, Rogue Planets May Outnumber Milky Way’s Stars

Breaking News: James Webb Space Telescope to Launch Christmas Day

A Key to Life? –Hubble Detects First Exoplanet Magnetic Field

Introducing “The Galaxy Report” YouTube Channel

Astronomers Probe the Dark-Matter Backbone of the Universe

Webb to Probe How We Got from Big Bang to Here to Earth’s First Quantum Organism?

Is information at the core of life in the Universe? Are we humans an anomaly?

Will Gravitational Waves Solve One of the Biggest Mysteries in Physics?

The Extraterrestrial-Contact Paradox

Has the First Planet Beyond the Milky Way Been Discovered –Or is It Something More Interesting?

The Strange Stars Orbiting Sagittarius A* —Milky Way's Supermassive Black Hole

Biology of Other Worlds — Are There Universal Properties of Life?

Relic Galaxies Found Untouched Across Cosmic Time (Weekend Feature)

Humans Didn’t Invent Mathematics to What if Einstein Never Existed?

Patterns of the Universe to the Aliens We Are Looking For Are AI

How Important is Iron to the Origin of Life in the Universe?

Radio Signals Detected from Earliest Epoch of the Universe

The Weirdness of Dark-Matter Free Galaxies

The Extraterrestrial Signal -We May Not Want to Receive (Weekend Feature)

Theoretical Wormholes — “Could Be Hiding Within Dark Matter Inside the Milky Way” (Weekend Feature)

Stephen Hawking’s Warning –“Treating AI as Science Fiction Would Potentially Be Our Worst Mistake Ever”

Evolution May Be a Cosmic Universal to the New Search for Alien Tech

The Missing ‘Ghost’ in the Machine –Why Massive Black Holes are Not Found in Observatory Data

Rise of Oxygen –The Evolutionary Moment that Shaped Our Habitable Planet

Scientists Warn of Extraterrestrial Microbial Invasion to How Dangerous is COVID Mutant B.1.1.529

“Life is Electric” –NASA Explores Origins of Life on Earth & Beyond

Humans Could Be the Dominant Species in the Universe to Albert Einstein’s Forgotten Idea

Alien Chemistry of Other Worlds to One-Month Voyage to Jupiter

"Something Unknown was Tugging at the Spacecraft" --Radio Signals Revealed Deep Mysteries of Saturn and Jupiter

“Mars Will Kill You” –NASA’s Curiosity Rover is Making Mars Radiation-Blasted Landscape Safe for Human Exploration

Quantum Birth of the Universe –Becomes a Multiverse, an Eternally Growing Fractal

“Milky Way’s Sweet Spot” –Earth at Center of Galactic Habitable Zone

Superionic Ice –A New State of Matter that Solves the Puzzle of the Existence of Ice Worlds in Our Solar System

Ten Seconds After the Big Bang --An 'Upside Down' Universe

Physicists Search for the Dark Force to Terrifying New Theory of the Universe’s Expansion

Hunt for Alien Life Top Priority for U.S. Astronomers to Strange Object at Andromeda’s Center

Water Detected in the Most Massive Galaxy in the Early Cosmos

Our Solar System's Milky-Way Orbit 19 --Extinction by Spiral-Arm Apocalypse?

The Standard Model – “Cannot Possibly Be Right Because It Cannot Predict Why the Universe Exists”

Interview with NASA’s Chief: “We are Not Alone in the Universe, or the Multiverse”

“690 Trillion Suns” -New Look at an Ancient Object So Bright It Obscured a Massive Galaxy Cluster

Early Earth –A Model for Emerging Life on Alien Planets?

First Planet Found Outside of Our Galaxy to Stars from Dawn of Time

Portal to the Dark Sector of the Universe –“A Breathtaking World”

The Point of No Return -Scientists Compare Current Climate Change to Geologic Past

Have Astronomers Detected a Cosmic String from the Dawn of the Universe?

Strange Black Holes of the Infant Universe

Will We Image Planet Nine Within the Next Decade?

Physicist Who Denies that Dark Matter Exists to What if Other Human Species Hadn’t Died Out

NASA Scientists: On What the Perseverance Mars’ Rocks Return Samples Could Tell Us

In Search of Dark Energy –Probing 11-Billion Years of Cosmic History

Does Any Civilization in the Universe Survive Climate Change to Stephen Hawking’s ‘Lost’ Nobel Prize

“The Great Collision” –Epic Unprecedented Change to Life On Earth

Planck’s Star –A Primordial Object the Age of the Universe

Earth’s Missing Epochs to Humans are Ten One-Billionths of Cosmic History

Primordial Black Holes May Unveil Nature of Dark Matter

Telescopes Make the Universe Self-Aware to Mysteries of the Solar System's Magnetic Fields

Humans Could Evolve into Two Species to China’s Moon Base

Did Black Holes Shape Human Evolution to the Mystery of Dead Galaxies

Exo-Earths of Binary Star Systems – “Favor a Livable Climate and Evolution of Complex Life”

"Emergence of Human Ancestors" -A 300,000 Year-Long Beam of Energy Burst from Milky Way's Black Hole

Young Stars of the Universe

‘First Light of the Cosmos’ –A Signal from an Epic Turning Point in the Universe

“Terra Incognita” –What Lies Beyond the Observable Universe?

Tracing the Origins of COVID-19 to A Fifth Dimension Emerging?

NASA’s ENIGMA –“We Have Found the Building Blocks of Life” (Weekend Feature)

Fast Facts About the Milky Way Galaxy

“The Milky Way Variant” –Viruses may Form a Vital Part of Ecosystems on Alien Planets

"Viruses May Exist Elsewhere in the Universe to Mysterious Origins of Gargantuan Black Holes"

“Search for the Missing Eon to Future of Extraterrestrial Intelligence”

“Unfathomable Abodes of Life?” –Water Worlds of the Milky Way

"Primordial Black Holes May Flood the Universe to Planets of Milky Way’s Ancient Bulge”

Last Week’s Top 5 Space & Science Headlines --”Vestiges of a Prior Universe to Darwin’s Extraterrestrials”

“Space Laser Reveals a Hidden Antarctica to Is Earth the ‘Standard Model’ for the Universe?”

Alien Habitats –“They Could Be Just About Anywhere”

Extraterrestrial Life –“Is Earth the ‘Standard Model’ for the Universe?”

“A Ghostly Mystery” –New Hubble Observations of Neptune’s Great Dark Spot

TESS Exoplanet Mission Detects Mystery Objects (Weekend Feature)

China Building a Miles-Long Spacecraft to How Big is the Quantum World

“Neither Star nor Planet to Our Universe Should Actually Not Exist"

Star as Small as the Moon to Alien Life –“Clues May Lie Buried in Kepler Mission Data”

Death by Primordial Black Hole to U.F.O.s and the Search for Alien Life

“In Each of Us Lies a Message, Its Beginnings Lost in the Mists of Time”

"We are the Aliens to What Could be the Most Explosive Event Since the Big Bang

Mind-Bending –"Hyper-Advanced ET May Be What We Perceive to Be Physics"

The Galaxy with One Star to Michio Kaku "The Universe Is Simpler Than We Think"

"An Exit Chute from the Universe to the Reality of Galactic Empires"

“Consciousness” –Existing Beyond Matter?

Primordial Black Holes --"One May Be Lurking in Our Solar System"

“Cities of Venus”

“Man Who Decoded the Origins of Life to Is Our Universe an Experiment by an Ancient Civilization?”

Aliens Before Us to the Ancient Black Hole at the Edge of Our Solar System

“Coming Attractions” –Alien Intelligence as Physics

"At the End of Spacetime to Something's Amiss in the Milky Way"

The Phantom Biosphere -- "An Alien Life-Form May Exist Hidden in Earth's Microbial World"

Alien Molecules of the Cosmos –“Never Before Seen in Space”

“Unknown” –Four Never-Before-Seen Circular Objects Detected in Cosmos

"Visitors from the Dark Sector?"

"Journey to an Alien Ocean to Cities of Galaxies"

"Aliens May be Boring or Unreachable to Unknown Milky Way Signal"

Mystery Milky Way Signal to Hidden Messages of the Perseverance Mars Mission

"Will We Find Life on Mars?" --The Mysteries of the Red Planet

”Alien-Haunted World to The Comet that Forever Changed Planet Earth"

"Shape-Shifting Cosmos to Galaxy-Size Gravitational-Wave Detector Hints at Exotic Physics"

Destination Venus --"Was It the First Habitable Planet in the Solar System?"

The Great Unknown --"Is Our Universe Extremely Unnatural, a Weird Permutation Among Countless Possibilities?"

“One Trillion Times Age of the Universe” –The Rarest Thing Ever Detected

News of space and science that has the capacity to provide clues to the mystery of our existence and add a much needed cosmic perspective in our current epoch.