Today’s news stories:
In a major discovery, scientists say space-time churns like a choppy sea--The mind-bending finding suggests that everything around us is constantly being roiled by low-frequency gravitational waves, reports Joel Achenbach and Victoria Jaggard for The Washington Post.
Does the U.S. Posses a Fully Intact UFO? At the beginning of June, House Oversight Committee chair James Comer announced an investigation into allegations that a top-secret military program already had a fully intact UFO in its possession.
Could the expanding Universe truly be a mirage?--"In a new paper just accepted for publication in the journal Classical & Quantum Gravity, theoretical physicist Lucas Lombriser showed with a mathematical sleight of hand, that one can reformulate the Universe to not be expanding.
Scientists Unveil New Results exploring the age-old question: how does consciousness arise? reports Singularity Hub --Tunes galvanized an eager crowd at the 26th Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness (ASSC 26) meeting in New York, as attendees awaited the results of the scientific face-off of the century: a head-to-head trial that pitted the two top theories of consciousness against each other. "It found that consciousness may emerge from a grid-like interconnection of neurons at the back of the head."
In search of Einstein’s brain--After Albert Einstein’s death in 1955, a pathologist—searching for the secret of genius—removed, dissected, and ultimately stole the mathematician’s brain, reports Big Think.
We might have accidentally killed the only life we ever found on Mars nearly 50 years ago, reports Big Think. In one experiment, the Viking landers added water to Martian soil samples. That might have been a very bad idea.
Does String theory explain quantum gravity? explores iAi TV-- "In light of the recent criticisms of string theory, preeminent physicist Juan Maldacena sheds light on the promise of string theory and how it fits into our current understanding of the universe. In so doing, Maldacena also explains the ideas of holograms, dimensions, and quantum fields in terms everyone can understand."
Microsoft Expects to Build a Quantum Supercomputer Within 10 Years, reports Frederic Lardinois | for TechCrunch--“Microsoft announced its roadmap for building its own quantum supercomputer, that will be able to perform a reliable one million quantum operations per second.”
How Thomas Edison Tricked the Press Into Believing He’d Invented the Light Bulb--A year before he developed a working bulb, the “Wizard of Menlo Park” created the illusion that his prototype burned for more than a few minutes at a time, reports The Smithsonian.
NASA: Exploring Stephan’s Quintet with Multiple Senses: Using data gathered by NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope, Spitzer Space Telescope, Chandra X-ray Observatory, and James Webb Space Telescope, astronomers and visualization specialists from across several institutions came together to create two new unique sensory experiences of a compact group of galaxies known as Stephan’s Quintet: a video guiding viewers through a three-dimensional visualization of the galaxies, and audio tracks based on two-dimensional observation images."
Curated by The Galaxy Report editorial staff