Today's stories include Plant-Inspired Robots Could Colonize Mars to Is Alien UFO Tech Is Being 'Reverse Engineered' in Secret? and more...
The Dark Universe: Can a scientist battling long Covid unlock the mysteries of the cosmos?--Since being laid low with the virus more than a year ago, Catherine Heymans can only operate in half-hour bursts. But her work could still change the way we understand the universe, reports Alex Blasdel for The Guardian. “I believe that, to truly understand the dark universe, we will need to invoke some new physics that will forever change our cosmic view,” she has written.
A Stormy, Active Sun May Have Kickstarted Life On Earth, reports Keith Cowing for "A series of chemical experiments show how solar particles, colliding with gases in Earth’s early atmosphere, can form amino acids and carboxylic acids, the basic building blocks of proteins and organic life. The findings were published in the journal Life."
MIT Professor Compares Ignoring AGI to “Don’t Look Up”, reports --"Sadly, I now feel that we're living the movie 'Don't Look Up' for another existential threat: unaligned superintelligence."
How aliens with 'right technology' could hear us on Earth--Watching your favorite show or listening to a good podcast? Well, scientists now think that radio, television and other signals could be detected by advanced alien life despite being light years away - if they exist, reports Sky News.
Who Will Have the Last Word on the Universe?--Modern science suggests that we and all our achievements and memories are destined to vanish like a dream. Is that sad or good? asks Dennis Overbye for The New York Times." Just as there was a first living creature somewhere, sometime, to emerge from the splendid blaze of the Big Bang, there will be a last creature to die, a last thought. A last sentient being."
Michio Kaku Breaks Silence on The Terrifying Image By James Webb Telescope That Changes Everything
Tiny primordial black holes could have created their own Big Bang, reports Paul Sutter for "A large population of small black holes could have flooded the young cosmos with particles and radiation, creating their own black hole-powered Big Bang, physicists propose in a new paper."
The Plant-Inspired Robots That Could Colonize Mars--Barbara Mazzolai’s roboplants could analyze and enrich soil, search for water and other chemicals, or even be used to grow infrastructure from scratch, reports MIT Press. “It forced us to rethink everything, from materials to sensing and control of robots.”
Alien replies to NASA's spacecraft signals might reach us by 2029--Radio signals sent to NASA spacecraft could have already reached four neighboring star systems, and if any aliens tried to respond, we might hear from them within a few years from now, reports Alex Wilkins for New Scientist.
Futurism: We Interviewed the Engineer Google Fired for Saying Its AI Had Come to Life. "There's a chance that — and I believe it is the case — that they have feelings and they can suffer and they can experience joy, and humans should at least keep that in mind when interacting with them."
Congressman Says Alien UFO Tech Is Being 'Reverse Engineered' in Secret, reports Ellie Cook for Newsweek. "Tennessee Congressman Tim Burchett told Newsweek that he believed "we have recovered a craft at some point, and possible beings."
Can ET Detect Us? asks Astrobiology--"Technical civilizations are likely to have much more sensitive receiving systems than we do, and the detectability of our mobile systems will increase substantially as we move to much more powerful broadband systems."
Every nation needs a space agency, argues"Every country should consider establishing its own space agency to protect its interests and meet national objectives in this period of rapid change."