What If Neanderthals Had Outlived Homo Sapiens?--An anthropologist considers how different the world might be if Neanderthals—and hence, their ways of navigating relationships with the environment and one another—had survived the gauntlet of evolution, reports Sapiens.com
Steven Pinker: Linguistics as a window to understanding the brain--"Language is the most distinctively human talent," reports Big Think. "Language is a miracle of the natural world," Pinker told Big Think in 2012, "because it allows us to exchange an unlimited number of ideas using a finite set of mental tools."
Why the human genome was never completed, reports BBC Future. No human genome has ever been read in its entirety before. This year, scientists expect to pass that milestone for the first time.
Beyond the Standard Model--Searching for New Physics with the Electron’s Magnetic Moment, reports Saïda Guellati-Khelifa with the Kastler Brossel Laboratory, Sorbonne University. Measurements of the magnetic moment of the electron have achieved unprecedented accuracy, showing great potential for the search for physics beyond the standard model.
Marine UAPs --During a 2021 interview on CBS 60 Minutes, former Navy pilots David Fravor and Alex Dietrich provided a detailed description of their encounter with a UAP while conducting pre-deployment training with the USS Nimitz aircraft carrier strike group in 2004. While flying their F/A-18F Super Hornet aircraft, they initially observed an area of roiling whitewater on the ocean surface below them. Hovering just above that was a “white Tic Tac looking” UAP. The mystery deepens...
Asteroid hits Earth in "magnificent" spectacle over Europe, reports CBS News. "The asteroid, dubbed Sar2667, was first detected on the evening of Feb. 12 by astronomer Krisztián Sárneczky in Hungary. He told Space.com that he found the asteroid during a routine near-Earth object hunt using a 2-foot telescope."
Quantum Entanglement Isn’t All That Spooky After All--The way we teach quantum theory conveys a spookiness that isn’t actually there, reports Chris Ferrie, a faculty member of the Center for Quantum Software and Information at the University of Technology Sydney for.Scientific American. " Calling entanglement spooky completely misrepresents how it actually works and hinders our ability to make sense of it."
Launching Dust From the Moon Could Help Cool Earth, Scientists Say--Proposals to fight climate change by blocking sunlight aren’t new, but some experts argue the answer lies closer to home, reports the Smithsonian. "To prevent further damage to the planet, humans need to limit global warming to no more than 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels, experts agree.
Antarctic Researchers Report an Extraordinary Marine Heatwave That Could Threaten Antarctica’s Ice Shelves--The inexorable rise of ocean heat is now evident off the coast of West Antarctica, potentially disrupting critical parts of the global climate system and accelerating sea level rise, reports Inside Climate News.
Will we ever be able to predict earthquakes? asks BBC Future. "The unfolding tragedy amid the crumpled buildings of south-east Turkey and northern Syria highlights how unexpectedly earthquakes can strike. Scientists are searching for ways to spot the early warning signs of these most unpredictable of natural disasters."
Climate ‘teleconnections’ may link droughts and fires across continents--New research could help countries forecast and collaborate to deal with dry spells and fires, reports the BBC. "Large-scale climate patterns that can impact weather across thousands of kilometers may have a hand in synchronizing multicontinental droughts and stoking wildfires around the world, two new studies find."