This weekend’s stories include NASA report finds no evidence that UFOs are extraterrestrial (Yet) and 11-billion-year-old galaxy hidden in a quasar's glare.
“How NASA Got a 'UFO Czar'—And Why it Matters,” reports"The man tapped to do the work is Mark McInernay, a former Pentagon liaison for NASA, who, for the better part of 25 years, has been on the government science beat, serving in multiple positions at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center; the National Hurricane Center; and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration."
Could we tweak the solar system to make Pluto a planet again?--Pluto officially lost its planethood in 2006, and this episode of Dead Planets Society is all about bringing it back by making it bigger, faster and better than ever, reports New Scientist.
Hubble discovers 11-billion-year-old galaxy hidden in a quasar's glare, reports Robert Lea for normally observe galaxies by observing light these objects emit, but some tricky galaxies require a different approach.
JWST: Planet in ‘habitable’ zone could have rare oceans and a possible sign of life, Webb data reveals, reports Jackie Wattles for"Closely orbiting the cool dwarf star K2-18, the exoplanet lies within the star’s habitable, or Goldilocks, zone and is 8.6 times as massive as Earth. An analysis of Webb’s observations found the planet has abundant methane and carbon dioxide in its atmosphere."
NASA report finds no evidence that UFOs are extraterrestrial--NASA’s UAP study team and newly appointed director of UAP research represent growing efforts to study and declassify UFO-related data. The NASA report finds no evidence that UFOs are extraterrestrial.
Curated by The Galaxy Report editorial staff