Astronomers see 6,000-mile water vapor plume blasting from Saturn moon ‘Extraordinary’ sighting may open window on possibility of life beneath Enceladus’s icy outer crust, reports The Guardian.
Astronomers discover the last three planets the Kepler telescope observed before going dark, reports Jennifer Chu, Massachusetts Institute of Technology--"Astronomers at MIT and the University of Wisconsin at Madison, with the help of citizen scientists, have discovered what may be the last planets that Kepler gazed upon before going dark.”
Quantum computers braided ‘anyons,’ long-sought quasiparticles with memory--The particle-like states keep a record of being swapped with one another, reports Science News. “It’s predicted that there is this crazy particle where, if you swap them around each other while you have your eyes closed, you can actually tell after the fact,” says physicist Trond Andersen of Google Quantum AI in Santa Barbara, Calif. “This goes against our common sense, and it seems crazy.”
Astronomers detected two major targets with a single telescope – a mysterious signal and its source galaxy, reports Marcin Glowacki for The Conversation.
No Secrets on the Moon--Our increasingly crowded moon could be headed for disaster. A lunar registry will help us right the course, reports Slate. " Both NASA and the China National Space Administration, for example, have set their sights on identical landing locations in the vicinity of the lunar south pole.
Why There Is No Center Of The Universe--There is no special place in our cosmos, as far as we can tell, reports IFL Science. "About 14 billion years ago, everything we know of started with the Big Bang. A common misconception, however, is to envision it as an explosion. The actual event did not explode into anything; space and time were created as the universe began. Picturing it as an explosion makes us also think that it started at a single specific point – but this is not the case."
UFOs becoming increasingly attractive to US academics - study--A new study shows that interest in studying UFOs/UAPs has reached mainstream academia and many are pushing for further academic research on the subject, reports the Jerusalem Post. The findings of this study were published in the peer-reviewed academic journal Humanities and Social Sciences Communications.
NASA's UFO Livestreamed Task Force Meets Today. You can watch it online with this free livestream reports meeting will mark the first time the group has discussed the results of its UAP investigation in public. The four-hour meeting will be available to watch online courtesy of a free livestream on NASA TV beginning at 10:30 a.m. ET (1430 GMT).
This Is How the Next Pandemic Starts, reports Mary Harris for Slate."All these different bat species were like flying Petri dishes for disease. Viruses could incubate inside them and wait for a chance to hop to humans. And over the past two decades, we humans have been moving closer and closer to the “Bat Lands.”
Curated by The Galaxy Report editorial staff.