Weekend Sunday Feature
Is the Observable Universe All There Is? -“Most cosmologists think the Universe is much larger than our observable corner of it. That what we can see is a small part of an unimaginably vast, if not infinite creation. However, a new paper argues that the observable universe is mostly all there is,” reports Universe Today.
NASA’s Webb Space Telescope Proves Galaxies Transformed the Early Universe, reports SciTechDaily. “New data from the James Webb Space Telescope recently pinpointed the answer using a set of galaxies that existed when the universe was only 900 million years old. Stars in these galaxies emitted enough light to ionize and heat the gas around them, forming huge, transparent “bubbles.” Eventually, those bubbles met and merged, leading to today’s clear and expansive views.”
Mysterious Black Hole Twins May Fuel The Brightest Galaxies in Space, reports Science Alert. “This could be a clue as to how supermassive black holes millions to billions of times the mass of the Sun grow to such tremendous size. A large number of supermassive black hole binaries would point to giant mergers throughout the history of the Universe.”
Scientists Think an Earth-Like Planet May Be Hiding in Our Solar System, reports Science Alert. “The far reaches of the Solar System are a dim and distant realm with particulars that elude us. So far from the light of the Sun, even a relatively large planet could easily escape our notice.”
The Habitable Worlds Observatory aims to spot alien life, reports Earth & Sky. “Will a proposed mission, called the Habitable Worlds Observatory, be the first to detect life beyond Earth? In August, scientists and engineers gathered at Caltech to discuss the future mission, which would launch in the late 2030s or early 2040s.”
Don’t Miss Comet Nishimura This Weekend, a Once-in-a-Lifetime View–Astronomy aficionados are buzzing about a bright new comet, reports Katarina Miller for The New York Times.”The ball of dust and ice is formally named C/2023 P1, but is also called Comet Nishimura, for Hideo Nishimura, the Japanese photographer who first spotted it. And you may have an opportunity to see it as well during the next few nights. For the next few mornings, just before sunrise, the cosmic snowball will glow green low on the horizon.”
Does Consciousness Create the Universe? –An interview with Robert Lanza, creator of the Biocentrism theory and co-author of the new sci-fi novel “Observer,” written with Nancy Kress, reports Interesting Engineering.
Curated by The Galaxy Report Editorial Staff