Today’s stories include A dynamic form of dark energy may explain strange radiation signal from the early universe, and more.
Could Our Universe Exist Inside a Black Hole? explores Donavyn Coffey for Live Science--"And for that matter, could our universe be inside a black hole? This theory, known as Schwarzschild cosmology, suggests that our universe now expands within a black hole that is part of a parent universe. In theory, this scenario would mean that universes can exist within universes."
A dynamic form of dark energy may explain strange radiation signal from the early universe, reports Paul Sutter for"We may have already found evidence of an evolving, dynamic kind of dark energy from the first stars in our universe. In this model, dark energy is not a fixed constant of the cosmos but a dynamical entity that can change and evolve in time, resulting in changes in the acceleration rate of expansion."
What we need to ask about recent UFO revelations, explores The Guardian. "Recent claims by an ex-US intelligence agency whistleblower about alien spacecraft landings have been met with skepticism by scientists – not least over the galactic visitors’ driving skills."
Hubble telescope spies mysterious celestial object that defies classification, reports Stefanie Waldek for"Z 229-15 is one of those objects that fits several classifications, according to a statement released by the European Space Agency (ESA). "Z 229-15 is one of those interesting celestial objects that, should you choose to research it, you will find defined as several different things."
Curated by The Galaxy Report editorial staff.