Are Space and Time Illusions? to Coldest Ice in the Universe Harbors Molecules Essential for Life
Today’s stories include New research supports the Big Bang to The Universe is slightly hotter than it should be, and much more.
Astronomers Say They Have Spotted the Universe’s First Stars--Theory has it that “Population III” stars brought light to the cosmos. The James Webb Space Telescope may have just glimpsed them, reports Jonathan O' Callaghan for “We exist, therefore we know there must have been a first generation of stars,” said Rebecca Bowler, an astronomer at the University of Manchester in the United Kingdom.
New research backs up the Big Bang: the distant galaxies discovered by the James Webb Space Telescope are, indeed, perfectly compatible with our modern understanding of cosmology.
Why More Physicists Are Starting to Think Space and Time Are ‘Illusions’--Quantum entanglement suggests the fabric of the universe is more interconnected than we think. And it also suggests we have the wrong idea about reality, reports The Daily Beast.
The universe is slightly hotter than it should be. 'Dark photons' could be to blame, reports Paul Sutter for Live Science. "Intergalactic gas clouds are slightly hotter than they should be, new research claims, and theoretical particles called 'dark photons' could explain it."
James Webb discovers Coldest Ice in the Universe, Harboring molecules essential for life, reports Futurism. "According to a new study published in the journal Nature Astronomy, that interstellar ice got as cold as minus 440 degrees Fahrenheit — just under 11 Kelvin, and spitting distance from absolute zero."
Decades of Jupiter Observations Have Revealed Something Strange--40 years of observing the biggest planet in the solar system has revealed "things we never anticipated," a new study says, reports Motherboard Science.
James Webb Space Telescope spots an alien planet shrouded in weird sand-filled clouds, reports Tereza Pultarova for The exoplanet's atmosphere also contains methane and carbon dioxide.
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